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Poli, R.; Smith, K. M., Science of Synthesis, (2003) 2, 312.
The examples outlined in Section are stoichiometric in chromium(II) chloride and generally employ a large excess of this reagent. As shown in Scheme 30, reaction of the organic halide with two equivalents of chromium(II) halide yields the desired organochromium species 72 and one equivalent of chromium(III) halide. The nucleophile then adds to the aldehyde with formation of a chromium alkoxide species. The high stability of the oxygen—chromium(III) bond serves as the thermodynamic sink; the alcohol product is recovered by hydrolysis in the stoichiometric process. The use of halosilane, however, forces an exchange by virtue of the higher oxophilicity of silicon, producing an additional equivalent of chromium(III) halide. At this point the reaction can be made catalytic in chromium by simply using a reagent capable of reducing chromium(III) to chromium(II), e.g. metallic manganese. This modification does not compromise the scope, practicability, efficiency, and chemo- and diastereoselectivity of the C—C bond formation.[130,132,133] In addition, it reduces the consumption of the rather high-cost and toxic chromium reagent and paves the way for potential applications in enantioselective syntheses using chromium catalysts with chiral ancillary ligands.[134]
Meeeee 88 Mee Meeeeeeee Meeeee–Meeeee–Meeee Meeeeeee
Meeeeeeeeeee Meeeeeeee
8-Meeee-8-(8-eeeeeeeeeeeee)eeee-8-ee-8-ee: Meeeeee Meeeeeeee:[888]
M eeee ee 8-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (888 ee, 8.8 eeee), 8-[(eeeeeeeeeeeeeee)eeeeeeeeeee]eee-8-eee (8.88 e, 8.8 eeee), eee MMMMe (8.88 eM, 8.8 eeee) ee MMM (8.8 eM) eee MMM (8 eM) eee eeeeeee eeee e eeeeeeeeee ee Me eeeeee (888 ee, 8.8 eeee), MeMe8 (88 ee, 8.88 eeee), eee MeMe8 (88 ee, 8.88 eeee) ee MMM (8 eM) ee 88°M. Meeee eeeee eeeeeee eee 8 e ee eeee eeeeeeeeeee, eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeeee eeee M8M (88 eM) eee eeeeeeeee eeee MeMMe (8 × 88 eM), eee eee eeeeeeee eeeeeee eeeeee eeee eeeeee eeee eeeee. Me MMMM (88% e/e) eee eeeee, eee eee eeee eee eeeeeee ee ee eeeee MMM eeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee ee eee eeeee eeeeeee. Meeeeeee eeeeee eeeeeeee ee eeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee (eeeeee/MeMMe 88:8) eeeeeeee eee eeeeeee ee e eeeeeeeee eeeee; eeeee: 888 ee (88%).
[130] | Müeeeeee, M.; Mee, M., M. Me. Meee. Mee., (8888) 888, 88888. |
[132] | Meeee, M.; Meeeeeeeee, M.; Meee, M. M., Meeeeeeeeee Meee., (8888) 88, 8888. |
[133] | Müeeeeee, M., Meee.–Mee. M., (8888) 8, 888. |
[134] | Meeeeee, M.; Meeee, M. M.; Meeeeeeeee, M.; Meee, M.; Meeee-Meeeee, M., Meeeeeeeeee: Meeeeeeee, (8888) 88, 8888. |
Meeeeee Meeeeeeeeee
- 8.Meeeee-Meee, (8888) M 88e, 888.