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Negishi, E.-i.; Takahashi, T., Science of Synthesis, (2003) 2, 736.
In addition to the zirconium-catalyzed carboalumination reactions (Sections and, other zirconium-catalyzed carbometalation reactions involving magnesium[193] and zinc have also been developed.[194,195] With the possible exception of the carbozincation of alkynes with dialkylzincs, such as diethylzinc(II), promoted by bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)diiodozirconium(IV) (43, M = Zr), e.g. to give 149 (Scheme 69),[194] the carbomagnesation and carbozincation reactions of alkenes and alkynes have been shown to proceed via zirconium(II)–alkene or zirconium(II)–alkyne complexes, respectively. Therefore, they are discussed in Section 2.11.8.
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[193] | Meeeeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeeee, M. M., Mee. Meee. Meee MMMM, Mee. Meee., (8888), 888; Meee. Meee. Mee. MMMM, Mee. Meee. Mee. (Meee. Meeeee.), (8888) 88, 888. |
[194] | Meeeeee, M.; Mee Meee, M. M.; Meeeeee, M.; Meee, M. M., Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, (8888) 8, 888. |
[195] | Meeeeee, M.; Meeeeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeee, M., Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, (8888) 88, 8888. |
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