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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-004-01012

Ian Fleming, Science of Synthesis, (20024930.

Hydrosilylation of propargyl alcohols 17 using a variety of catalysts places the silyl group at the terminus (Scheme 6). The allylic alcohol 18 could then be oxidized to give an α,β-unsaturated β-silyl aldehyde or ketone 19, or used as a precursor for the Claisen rearrangement (see Section If a cationic rhodium catalyst is used for the hydrosilylation, the allylic alcohol can be isomerized at a higher temperature to give the saturated β-silyl ketone 20 in one operation.[‌30‌] Hydrosilylation of acetals of acrolein, followed by hydrolysis of the acetal group,[‌31‌] or hydrosilylation of allylic alcohol itself, followed by oxidation, gives β-silylpropanals.[‌32‌]

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