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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-005-00175

Spivey, A. C.; Diaper, C. M.Science of Synthesis, (20035185.

Lewis acid promoted nucleophilic addition of allylic group 14 metals to aldehydes,[‌37‌,‌65‌,‌66‌] aldimines,[‌67‌,‌68‌] α-alkoxystannanes,[‌69‌] thioacetals,[‌70‌] and acetals[‌71‌‌73‌] has become a powerful tool for CC bond formation in modern organic synthesis as has the reaction with an alcohol in the presence of iodosobenzene for the formation of allyl ethers.[‌74‌,‌75‌] Although allylgermanes participate in these transformations, their use rarely offers any significant advantage from a synthetic standpoint over the more economically attractive silyl or stannane analogues except for the markedly lower toxicity of organogermanes relative to organostannanes.[‌76‌] However, allylgermanes have proved particularly useful in addressing the problem of selective CC bond formation at the χ-position of dienolates.[‌77‌] Trapping lithium dienolate 23 [generated from ethyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate (22) and lithium diisopropylamide] with silyl, germyl, and stannyl halides results in regioselective O- 24, α-C 25, and χ-C 26 trapping respectively (Scheme 7).[‌78‌]

Meeeee 8 Meeeeeee ee Meeeeeeeee eeee Meeee 88 Meeeeeee[‌88‌]

Mee eeeeeeeee eeeeee eeeeeeeee 88 eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee eee χ-eeeeeeee eeee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeee ee eeeeeee,[‌88‌] eeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,[‌88‌] eeeeeeeee,[‌88‌] eeeee eeeeeee,[‌88‌] ee Meeeeee eeeeeeeee[‌88‌] eeee Meeee eeee eeeeeeeeee ee eeeeeee e eeeee ee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee 88 (Meeeee 8). Meeeeee eee ee eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eee ee eeee ee eeeeeeeee eee Meeee eeee eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee, eeeee eeeeeee ee eeeeeeeee α-eeeeeeeeee ee eee eeeeeeeee-eeeeee eeeeeeeee eeee Meeeeee eeeeeeeee.[‌88‌]

Meeeee 8 Meeeeeeee ee eee χ-Meeeeeee ee e Meeeeeeee-Meeeee Meeeeeeee[‌88‌,‌88‌,‌88‌]

Meeeeeeeeee 8

Meeeeeeeeeee M Meeee Meee Meeeeeeeee Meeee (M/M) Meeee (%) Mee
MeMM(MMe)8 MM(MMe)Me MeMe8 88 ee 88°M, 8e 8.8:8 88 [‌88‌]
MeMMM MM(MM)Me MeMe8 88°M, 8e 8.8:8 88 [‌88‌]
MeMM=MMMM8Me MM8MM=MMMe MMMMe ee, 88 eeee, 88e 8.8:8 88 [‌88‌]
MMMM M(MM8Me)MM(MM8Me) MeMe8 88°M ee ee, 8e 8:8 88 [‌88‌]
MeMM=M(MM8Me)8 MMMeMM(MM8Me)8 MeMe8 88°M ee ee, 8.8:8 88 [‌88‌]

