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8.1.26 Product Subclass 26: Bis(organosulfanyl)- and Bis(organoselanyl)methyllithium Compounds

DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-008-00548

Nájera, C.; Yus, M.Science of Synthesis, (20068813.

General Introduction

Organolithium compounds derived from formaldehyde or other aldehyde dithioacetals are important organometallic compounds in organic synthesis, especially useful as formyl or acyl anion equivalents (Scheme 1).[‌1‌‌4‌] These umpoled reagents are prepared mainly by deprotonation of the corresponding dithio compounds with alkyllithium reagents in tetrahydrofuran at low temperature and, after reaction with electrophiles, the corresponding carbonyl functionality can be regenerated by using heavy metal coordination, alkylation, or oxidation.[‌5‌] The use of these acyllithium equivalents, especially the cyclic counterpart derived from 1,3-dithiane that presents the highest nucleophilicity among all these species, has become a classic method for the total synthesis of natural products.

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