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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-008-00645

Paul Krapcho, A.Science of Synthesis, (20068977.

When trityl ethers are treated with cerium(III) chloride heptahydrate/sodium iodide in refluxing acetonitrile, the trityl group is cleaved to afford the corresponding alcohols. This process can be selective; for example, in the cleavage of ethers 142, the 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane unit remains intact as do a number of other groups attached through oxygen to C6 of the bicyclic system (Scheme 109).[‌267‌] The stable groups include allyl substituents, although in the case of some other allyl ethers, cerium(III) chloride heptahydrate/sodium iodide in refluxing acetonitrile effects cleavage with high chemical selectivity to the corresponding alcohols 143 (Scheme 109).[‌268‌] In the same way, the 4-methoxybenzyl ether group may also be cleaved selectively by cerium(III) chloride and sodium iodide.[‌269‌] Indeed, this methodology has been applied to a wide variety of methoxybenzyl ethers 144 to restore the alcohol function in the presence of other potentially vulnerable groups; it also works efficiently with methyl 2,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-3-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)hexopyranoside, to release the corresponding alcohol 145 in 90% yield (Scheme 109).[‌269‌]

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