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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-009-00542

Black, D. StC.Science of Synthesis, (20019444.

The most important example of the [C2+C2+N] classification is the Hantzsch synthesis, which combines a β-dicarbonyl compound, an α-halo ketone, and ammonia or an amine (Scheme 5).[‌26‌] Commonly, the β-dicarbonyl compound is a β-oxo ester, such as 16, 17, and 30, and this leads to pyrroles such as 1821, 26, 29, 31, and 34, substituted with an ester in the C3 position. The α-halo carbonyl compound can be either an aldehyde, such as compounds 13, 14, and 24, or a ketone, such as compounds 15 and 25, and protected forms of the aldehyde such as geminal halo acetates, e.g. 27, or halo ethers, e.g. 28, can also be used.[‌27‌‌29‌] Only primary amines and ammonia are applicable to this synthesis. It is generally understood that the amine reacts initially with the β-dicarbonyl compound to form an enamino carbonyl 22, which then reacts with the α-halo carbonyl compound to give an intermediate 23. The regiochemistry usually involves formation of a CC bond by electrophilic attack of the α-halo carbonyl compound at the enamine group, followed by cyclizative condensation of the amine on to the carbonyl group. Thus the combination of 2-bromobutanal (13), ethyl 3-oxobutanoate (16), and ammonia gives the pyrrole 18 in 45% yield. The yield is only 30% when 2-chlorobutanal (24) is used. The use of 2-bromohexanal (14) gives yields of pyrroles 19 and 20 of approximately 50%. In general, α-halo aldehydes perform much better than α-halo ketones. α-Chloroacetone (25) is something of an exception, giving a 50% yield of pyrrole 26, whilst 2-bromopentan-3-one (15) only gives a 7% yield of pyrrole 21.[‌27‌] The replacement of an aldehyde group by a halo acetate or halo ether is a useful alternative, especially where the aldehydes are very sensitive compounds, and does not require a change of reaction conditions or workup.[‌27‌]

Meeeee 8 Meeeeee Meeeeeeee eeee β-Meeeeeeeee Meeeeeeee, α-Meee Meeeeeee Meeeeeeee, eee Meeeee (Mee Meeeeeee Meeeeeeee)[‌88‌]

Meeeeeeeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeee ee eee Meeeeeee eeeeeeee ee eeeeeee ee e eeeeeeeeeee ee M-eeeeeeeeee eeeeeee ee M-eeeeeeeeee ee eee eeeeeee eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee.[‌88‌] Meee eee eeeeeeee ee α-eeeeeeeeeeeee (88), eeeeee 8-eeeeeeeeeeee (88), eee eeeeeeeeeee ee eeeeeee eee eeeeee ee 8°M, eee eeeeee M-eeeeeeeeee eeeee eeeee ee eeee eee eeeeeee eeeee 88 eee eeeeeeeeeeeee 88 eee 88 (Meeeee 8). Meeeeee, eeee eee eeeeeeee ee eeee eeee eeeeeee (eeee 8e) ee eeee eeeeeeeeeee, M-eeeeeeeeee eeeee eeeeeeeeee eee eeeee ee eeeeeeeee ee 88 ee 88% eeeee eee eee eeeeeeeeeeeee 88 eee 88.

Meeeee 8 Meeeeee Meeeeeeee eeee Meeeeeeeeeeee, Meeeee 8-Meeeeeeeeeee, eee Meeeeeeeeee[‌88‌]

Meeeeeeeeeee Meeeeeeee

Meeee 8-Meeee-8-eeeeee-8M-eeeeeee-8-eeeeeeeeeee (88):[‌88‌]

Me MM8 (88eM ee 88% MM8, 88eM M8M) eee eeeee ee eeeee 8-eeeeeeeeeeee (88; 88.8e, 8.8eee) eee 8-eeeeeeeeeeee (88; 88.8e, 8.8eee) eee eee eeeeeee eeeeeee eee 8e, eeeeee eeeee eeee eee eeeeeeeeeee eeee ee 88°M. Meeee e eeeeeee 88e, eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeeeee eeee Me8M eee eee eeeeeee eeeeee eeee 88% MeMM, M8M, 8% MMe, eee M8M. Mee eeeee (Me8MM8) eeeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeeee ee eeee 88; eeeee: 8.8e (88%); ee 8888°M (Me8M/eeeeeee).

Meeeee 8,8,8-Meeeeeeee-8M-eeeeeee-8-eeeeeeeeeee (88):[‌88‌]

α-Meeeeeeeeeeee (88; 8.8e, 8.88eee), eeeeee 8-eeeeeeeeeeee (88; 8.8e, 8.88eee) eee 88% ee eeeeeeeeeee (88eM) eeee eeeeee eeeeeeee eee 8e ee ee. Meeee eeeeeee ee eee eeeeeee, eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeee eeee eee ee eeeeeeeeee MMe eee eee eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eee eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeeeeeeee (MeMM), eee eeeeeeee (88°M/8.8Meee); eeeee: 8.8e (88%); ee 8888°M.

