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Brigas, A. F., Science of Synthesis, (2004) 13, 906.
Migration from N1 to N2 in tetrazoles has been observed via an ionic dissociation–recombination mechanism, the N2 isomer being the more stable one (e.g., Scheme 69).[243–246] 1-N-Alkyltetrazol-1-amines undergo thermal rearrangement to give an equilibrium mixture with the corresponding tetrazol-2-amine isomer.[246]
Meeeee 88 M8 ee M8 eeeeeeeeeeeee ee Meeeeeeeee[888–888]
[243] | Meeeeeeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeee, M. M., Meee. M. Mee. Meee. (Meee. Meeeee.), (8888) 88, 888. |
[244] | Meeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeeee, M., Meee. M. Mee. Meee. (Meee. Meeeee.), (8888) 88, 8888. |
[245] | Meeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeee, M., M. Mee. Meee., (8888) 88, 8888. |
[246] | Meeeeeeee, M. M.; Móeeee, M.; Mee, M.; Meeeeeeeeeeee, M.; Meeeeee, M. M.; Meeee, M.-M., Meeeeeeeeee, (8888) 88, 888. |
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- 8.Meeeee-Meee, (8888) M 88e8, 888.
- 8.Meeeee-Meee, (8888) M 8e, 888.