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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-015-00689

Larsen, R. D.; Cai, D.Science of Synthesis, (200515401.

The reaction of (2-acylaryl)amines 47 with activated alkynes 48, e.g. dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate[‌132‌,‌133‌] or methyl propynoate,[‌134‌] gives the substituted quinolines 49 (Scheme 17). The scope of these studies is limited. Often the aminobenzaldehyde or acetophenone gives only the intermediate β-anilinoacrylate, requiring subsequent heating in methanolic hydrochloric acid[‌133‌] or sodium methoxide[‌135‌] in a separate step to achieve cyclization. The benzophenones cyclize directly in good yields with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate in refluxing benzene,[‌135‌] but in poor yields with methyl propynoate in refluxing methanol.[‌134‌] Similarly to the reaction of propynoates, 1,3-bis(alkoxycarbonyl)allenes undergo Michael addition with 2-acylanilines followed by condensation through treatment of the adduct with potassium tert-butoxide.[‌136‌] The reaction is general for benzaldehyde and aceto- or benzophenones. Acylarylamines 50 couple with ethynylbenzene through a ruthenium-mediated hydroamination and condensation to produce the 4-substituted 2-phenylquinolines 51.[‌137‌] A similar zinc-mediated cyclization of 2-(trifluoromethyl)arylamines with terminal alkynes affords 4-(trifluoromethyl)quinolines.[‌138‌]

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