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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-016-00463

von Angerer, S.Science of Synthesis, (200416501.

Pyrimidine is a π-deficient heteroaromatic system, hence FriedelCrafts-type acylation reactions are generally not possible. However, the introduction of amino or hydroxy groups at positions 4 or 6 renders this heterocycle susceptible to a Vilsmeier-type formylation affording the corresponding pyrimidine-5-carbaldehydes 409 (Scheme 222).[‌526‌‌528‌] At elevated temperatures the oxygen functions are replaced by chloro substituents.[‌529‌] This exchange reaction also occurs when the intermediate of the formylation is treated with N,N-dimethylaniline and phosphoryl chloride.[‌527‌]

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