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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-016-01007

Gobec, S.; Urleb, U.Science of Synthesis, (200416852.

Benzene-1,2-diamine (11) and diiminosuccinonitrile (DISN) give, under neutral reaction conditions, quinoxaline-2,3-diamine (25, R1=R2=NH2) (Scheme 13).[‌111‌] The reaction between benzene-1,2-diamine (11) and diiminosuccinonitrile using an acid catalyst yields 3-aminoquinoxaline-2-carbonitrile (25, R1=CN; R2=NH2) and, under strongly acidic conditions, quinoxaline-2,3-dicarbonitrile (25, R1=R2=CN).[‌111‌,‌112‌] Quinoxaline-2,3-diamines can be prepared directly from benzene-1,2-diamine by base-catalyzed condensation with cyanogen in methanol.[‌113‌,‌114‌] A variation of this method is to firstly prepare a diimido ester from cyanogen and then react with benzene-1,2-diamine.[‌115‌,‌116‌]

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