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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-017-01530

Borzilleri, R. M.Science of Synthesis, (2004171018.

Photolysis of 11-oxatetracyclo[,13.010,12]trideca-2,4,6-triene (186) at 75°C in diethyl ether provides what is believed to be oxa[13]annulene, as a mixture of geometric isomers 187/188, along with 5-oxatricyclo[,6]tridecatetraene (189) (Scheme 48).[‌131‌] Irradiation of the tetracyclic aziridine 190, or the azide 192, at low temperature in diethyl ether or pentane with a low-pressure mercury lamp leads to the aza-annulenes 191 or 193, respectively.[‌132‌,‌133‌] Both compounds are capable of valence tautomerism, and temperature-dependent NMR spectroscopy shows the dark violet crystalline aza[14]annulene 193 to be planar, extensively delocalized and distinctly diatropic; it is conformationally mobile.[‌133‌]

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