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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-022-00189

Lebel, H.Science of Synthesis, (200522172.

The WillgerodtKindler reaction, a modification by Kindler[‌254‌] of the Willgerodt reaction,[‌255‌] allows the formation of thioamides from alkyl aryl ketones, secondary amines and sulfur.[‌256‌‌258‌] The reaction involves both oxygen migration and oxidation of the organic species. As for the traditional Willgerodt reaction, it is possible to use long-chain ketones as substrates in which the terminal methyl group becomes the thiocarboxamide group. However, generally the yields decline as the number of carbon atoms increases and, from a practical point of view, the reaction is limited to substrates containing a chain with no more than three carbon atoms. The mechanism consists of consecutive oxidations and reductions along the chain, rather than involving a migration or rearrangement of the alkyl chain.[‌259‌‌261‌] The best amine to use is morpholine as it is resistant to oxidation and to the presence of hydrogen sulfide.[‌262‌] The reaction conditions must be carefully tuned when using other primary and secondary amines.[‌263‌‌266‌] New procedures compatible with the formation of N-unsubstituted thioamides are available but provide only poor to moderate yields (1454%).[‌267‌] Other substrates than ketones include aldehydes, aromatic alkenes and alkynes, nitriles, amines, imines, oximes, hydrazones, and semi­carbazones.[‌268‌,‌269‌] The reaction usually takes place at high temperature and solvent effects are sometimes observed;[‌270‌] however, a number of procedures without solvent are available.[‌271‌,‌272‌] The use of phase-transfer catalytic conditions is possible[‌273‌] as well as activation by microwaves, which is becoming very popular.[‌274‌‌278‌] For example, N-biphenyl-4-ylmorpholine-4-carbothioamide (70) can be synthesized from 4-phenylacetophenone by heating in morpholine with elemental sulfur without a solvent (Method A) and also under microwave conditions using the same reactants (Method B); the yield is considerably better in the latter case (49 versus 69%) (Scheme 46).[‌278‌]

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