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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-022-00233

Wirth, T.Science of Synthesis, (200522183.

The thermal elimination of fluoro(trimethyl)stannane from appropriate precursors is used not only for the synthesis of substituted selenocarbonyl fluorides, but also for the preparation of phospha- and arsaalkenes.[‌24‌] The synthesis of trimethyl[(trifluorometh­yl)selanyl]stannane (4) from trimethylstannane and the corresponding diselenide is an exothermic reaction and the subsequent decomposition to selenocarbonyl difluoride (5) and fluoro(trimethyl)stannane starts at room temperature (Scheme 2).[‌11‌,‌12‌] The reaction can also be applied to other trimethyl[(perfluoroalkyl)selanyl]stannanes.

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