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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-025-00531

Escher, I.; Glorius, F.Science of Synthesis, (200725742.

A number of methods for the synthesis of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes proceed via protected α,β-unsaturated acetals or imine derivatives. α,β-Unsaturated acetals are cleaved readily in the presence of an acid such as formic acid,[‌45‌,‌63‌] aqueous hydrochloric acid,[‌64‌,‌65‌] or 4-toluenesulfonic acid.[‌66‌] An example of the use of hydrochloric acid is shown in Scheme 12; here the acetal 16 is selectively deprotected to form the aldehyde 17, a precursor of the natural product pseurotin A.[‌64‌] Other mild and efficient metal-catalyzed processes have been reported.[‌67‌‌70‌] Deprotection under neutral conditions can be achieved using β-cyclodextrin in water.[‌71‌] α,β-Unsaturated imines are conveniently hydrolyzed with zinc(II) choride in aqueous alcohol or in the presence of silica gel.[‌72‌,‌73‌]

Meeeee 88 Meeeeeeeeeee ee ee Meeeeeeeeee Meeeee eeee ee eee Meeee Meeeeeeee ee Meeeeeeee M[‌88‌]

Meeeeeeeeeee Meeeeeeee

8-[(M)-Meeeeee(8,8-eeeeeeee-8,8-eeeeeeee-8-ee)eeeeee]eeeeeeee (88):[‌88‌]

8% MMe (8eM) eee eeeee eeeeeeee ee e eeee ee eee eeeeee 88 (8.8e, 8.8eeee) ee MMM (88eM) ee ee. Mee eeeeeee eee eeeeeee eee 8e, eeeeeeeeeee, eee eeee eeeeeeeee eeee Me8M. Mee eeeeeeee eeee eeeee (Me8MM8), eeeeeeee, eee eeeeeeeeeeee; eeeee: 8.8e (eeeee).

