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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-026-00532

Landais, Y.; Vincent, J. M.Science of Synthesis, (200526673.

As oxidizing agents are among the most widely employed reagents in synthetic chemistry, it is not surprising that the oxidative method is one of the most useful approaches for the preparation of vicinal di- and polycarbonyl compounds. The preparation of 1,2-diketones by the oxidative method is achieved in a number of ways. These variations are divided into three main groups: (1) introduction of a carbonyl group to the α-position of the ketone (including their α-substituted derivatives) (Sections and and; (2) oxidation of 1,2-diols (Section; and (3) oxidation of alkenes and alkynes (Sections While vicinal di- and polycarbonyl compounds prepared by the oxidative method are most commonly based on substrates already containing at least one carbonyl group, the latter approaches merit special consideration as they often require mild reaction conditions that are compatible with functionalized substrates.
