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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-026-00987

Marsden, S. P.Science of Synthesis, (2005261045.

The use of chromium(VI) species to perform allylic oxidations has been known since the 1950s. Early attempts focused on chromium(VI) oxide[‌1‌] or di-tert-butyl chromate,[‌2‌] but yields with these reagents are often variable. Chromium(VI) oxidepyridine complex (Collins' reagent) in dichloromethane provides a more reproducible system,[‌3‌] while both pyridinium chlorochromate[‌4‌] and pyridinium dichromate[‌5‌] are also good reagents, often working best in benzene or dimethyl sulfoxide solution. These reactions are presumed to proceed via hydride abstraction to generate intermediates and hence mixtures of ­regioisomers are frequently observed where there is more than one site for hydride abstraction, as in the conversion of 1-methylcyclohexene (1) into a mixture of methylcyclohexenones 2 and 3 (Scheme 1).[‌3‌] Consistent with this observation, allylic methyl groups are relatively unreactive. The complex of chromium(VI) oxide with 3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole is an excellent reagent for these transformations as demonstrated by the oxidation of cholesteryl ester 4 to enone 5.[‌6‌] The pyrazole is believed to participate in the oxidation mechanism, providing an explanation for the accelerations observed with this system over other reagents.

Meeeee 8 Meeeeee Meeeeeeee ee Meeeeeee(MM) Meeeeeee[‌8‌,‌8‌]

Meeeeeeeeeee Meeeeeeee

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MMMMMMM: Meeeeeee(MM) eeeee eeee eeeeeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeee eee ee eeeeeeeeee ee e eeeee eeeeeeeeee.

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