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26.9.2 Product Subclass 2: β,γ-Unsaturated Ketones

DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-026-00987

Marsden, S. P.Science of Synthesis, (2005261105.

The decoupling of the ketone and alkene functions on moving from α,β-unsaturated ketones to β,γ-unsaturated ketones means that the chemistry of the latter compounds largely mirrors the chemistry of the isolated functional groups, an exception to this being the chemistry of derived enolates. Hence, most of the usual methods for the synthesis of isolated ketones and alkenes can be applied to their synthesis, provided that due attention is paid to issues of chemoselectivity with the other functional group, and to the potential for the alkene to migrate into conjugation (forming the α,β-isomer) under the reaction conditions. The reactions in this section have therefore been chosen because they are specific to the preparation of β,γ-unsaturated ketones.
