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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-027-00002

Aggarwal, V.; Richardson, J.Science of Synthesis, (20042793.

Reaction of electron-deficient alkynes or electron-deficient alkenes bearing leaving groups in the β-position, with sulfoxonium ylides affords dimethylsulfoxonium alk-2-enylides (see Section In the presence of a second equivalent of base the dimethylsulfoxonium alk-2-enylides cyclize to afford 1λ4-thiopyran 1-oxides, e.g. dimethylsulfoxonium methylide (52) reacts with 1,3-diphenylprop-2-yn-1-one (233) to give dimethylsulfoxonium 4-oxo-2,4-diphenylbut-2-enylide (234) which cyclizes with dimethylsulfoxonium methylide as base to give 1λ4-thiopyran 1-oxide 235 (Scheme 112).[‌276‌]

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