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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-027-00752

Heydt, H.Science of Synthesis, (200427857.

Condensation of oximes with chloroamines (Forster reaction)[‌168‌] is a simple method for the synthesis of diazo compounds, especially α-diazocarbonyl compounds.[‌169‌,‌170‌] The reaction is important for the conversion of α-methylene ketones 31 into α-diazo ketones 34 (Scheme 15). The mechanism of the condensation of the oxime 32 with chloroamine provides the cation 33 as a logical intermediate.[‌171‌] The method has been extensively utilized in the synthesis of α-diazo ketones of the indane and steroid series. Examples are given in Table 6.

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