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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-028-00226

Couladouros, E. A.; Strongilos, A. T.Science of Synthesis, (200628295.

Palladium chemistry has been demonstrated to be a very efficient tool for the preparation of naphtho-1,4-quinone derivatives 159 in high yields. Thus, 2-bromonaphtho-1,4-quinones react with alkyl-, alkenyl-, or arylstannanes in the presence of a suitable palladium catalyst to afford the corresponding coupled product (Table 26).[‌633‌,‌892‌‌894‌,‌1016‌,‌1142‌,‌1147‌,‌1148‌] This Stille-type coupling reaction usually takes place with a copper(I) salt as a cocatalyst.[‌1149‌] Quinones may also be transformed into the corresponding stannylquinones and consequently used for a Stille-type coupling reaction.[‌1150‌,‌1151‌] 2-Bromonaphtho-1,4-quinones also undergo Suzuki[‌1152‌,‌1153‌] or SuzukiMiyaura coupling[‌1015‌] with boronic acid derivatives (Scheme 78). Coupling reactions of halogenated naphtho-1,4-quinones with terminal alkynes under Sonogashira conditions have been reported.[‌1154‌,‌1155‌]

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