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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-028-00338

Krohn, K.; Böker, N.Science of Synthesis, (200628412.

Lithiated (cyanomethyl)benzoates 129 add to intermediate arynes to give 10-hydroxyanthracene-9-carbonitriles 131 that can be oxidized to give anthra-9,10-quinones 132 in a one-pot reaction (Scheme 35).[‌322‌] The lithiated species 129, obtained by lithiation of 2-(cyanomethyl)benzoates 128 with lithium diisopropylamide, react with arynes generated in situ from bromoarenes 130 to give the 10-hydroxyanthracene-9-carbonitriles 131. These can be oxidized by alkaline hydrogen peroxide to give the corresponding anthraquinones 132.

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