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29.13 Product Class 13: Glycosyl Halides

DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-029-00791

Gunn, S. J.; Warriner, S. L.; White, J. W.Science of Synthesis, (200729889.

General Introduction

This section concerns the synthesis of glycosyl halides, which are used as substrates in the famous KoenigsKnorr glycosylation procedure,[‌1‌] and extensively as building blocks for the introduction of sugars into oligosaccharides and other carbohydrate-containing target molecules. The use of glycosyl halides in the synthesis of O-glycosides is reviewed extensively in Sections 29.15 and 29.16 and will not be discussed further here. It should be noted that the reactive glycosyl halide group is often unstable to common protecting group manipulations, and hence tends to be installed directly before its use in synthesis.

