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Murai, T.; Yoshimatsu, M., Science of Synthesis, (2007) 30, 634.
Te,N-Acetals and Te,P-acetals, in which nitrogen and phosphorus atoms are trivalent and have dialkyl substituents, are exceptionally rare. Regarding the former derivatives, 1-(butyltellanyl)-N,N-dimethylmethanamine has been used for the generation of an aminomethyllithium, but the synthetic detail was not given.[119] No examples of the synthesis of the latter compounds are known.
[119] | Meeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeee, M.; Mee, M.; Meeeee, M., Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, (8888) 8, 8888. |