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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-031-00644

Shcherbakova, I.Science of Synthesis, (200731814.

Arenesulfonyl chlorides react with excess dialkylamines, which act as both a nucleophile and a base, in diethyl ether,[‌162‌] tetrahydrofuran,[‌163‌] or alcohols[‌164‌,‌165‌] to give N,N-dialkylarenesulfonamides in good yield. The addition of the dialkylamines may be exothermic and thus requires cooling. Similar to the reaction with primary amines (Section, the interaction of N-alkyl- or N-arylanilines with arenesulfonyl chlorides proceeds in the presence of pyridine at room temperature[‌166‌] or on heating (e.g, synthesis of sulfonamide 137 from 136, Scheme 58)[‌167‌] (cf. Sections and

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