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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-031-01728

Scholz, U.; Schlummer, B.Science of Synthesis, (2007311652.

The rearrangement of N-arylbenziminoaryl ethers to benzoyldiarylamines matches the scheme of replacement of a CO bond with a CN bond. This type of rearrangement is sometimes referred to as the Chapman rearrangement and is exemplified by the synthesis of 2-[(4-chlorophenyl)amino]benzoic acid (205) from the sodium salt of methyl salicylate and N-(4-chlorophenyl)benzenecarboximidoyl chloride (202) at room temperature. The phenolate first forms the imino ester 203 in 88% yield; the temperature is then increased to 270275°C to induce the rearrangement to methyl 2-[benzoyl(4-chlorophenyl)amino]benzoate (204) in 8591% yield. Subsequent quantitative hydrolysis of the amide and ester bonds using sodium hydroxide yields 205 (Scheme 222).[‌396‌]

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