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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-033-00396

Avilov, D.; Dittmer, D.Science of Synthesis, (200733318.

Addition of organotellurenyl halides to alkynes occurs at room temperature or 50°C with addition of the organotellurenyl moiety and halogen in a trans or anti fashion, consistent with an epitelluronium ion intermediate, to give the E-alk-1-enyl tellurides 53A, in a 4.04.5-fold excess over the Z-alk-1-enyl tellurides 53B (Scheme 21).[‌33‌,‌176‌] However, in refluxing ethanol or tetrahydrofuran the Z-isomer is favored by a 1.52.6-fold excess, possibly indicating isomerization of the E-isomer.[‌176‌] The addition of organotellurenyl halides to alkynylboranes is described in Section The addition of 2-(aryltellanyl)-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexamethyldisilazanides to dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate gives the [(Z)-2-(aryltellanyl)vinyl]bis(trimethylsilyl)amines 54.[‌177‌] α-Allenic carboxylic acids react with aryltellurenyl chlorides to give 4-(aryltellanyl)furan-2(5H)-ones 55.[‌178‌]

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