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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-035-00308

Braun, M.Science of Synthesis, (200735341.

It is evident that only such protocols that provide a regioselective substitution in the case of unsymmetrical dialkyl ethers are useful. In addition, the method has been applied to the preparation of α,ω-dibromides 26 starting from either symmetrical diethers or from cyclic ethers (Scheme 26). Unsymmetrical ethers with alkyl residues of different degrees of substitution (methyl, primary, secondary, or tertiary) can be cleaved selectively depending on the conditions applied inasmuch as the less-substituted residues are cleaved by an SN2 mechanism, and the more-substituted ones by an SN1 mechanism. Applications of this concept, as well as the cleavage of cyclic ethers, have been reviewed comprehensively (see HoubenWeyl, Vol.5/4, pp418428). In addition to hydrobromic acid, phosphorus tribromide and boron tribromide have also been reported as reagents for cleavage of ethers with formation of alkyl bromides.[‌104‌,‌105‌]

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