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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-036-00228

Eames, J.Science of Synthesis, (200836380.

The resolution of (2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl)methanol (rac-103) using Pseudomonas AK and butanoic anhydride as the acyl donor in diisopropyl ether, has been probed (Scheme 57).[‌154‌] This process is moderately enantioselective, favoring the formation of the ester (R)-104 in 63% yield with 59% ee (derived from the S-alcohol) and recovered alcohol (R)-103 in 38% yield with >99% ee (E=2429 at 62% conversion). The enantiopurity of the ester (R)-104 can be increased by, firstly, sodium hydroxide mediated hydrolysis to give alcohol (S)-103 in 87% yield [64% ee; the starting ester (R)-104 is obtained by combining products from previous preparative scale resolutions], followed by a second resolution to give (R)-104 in 67% yield with 94% ee (at 71% conversion).[‌154‌,‌155‌] Simple hydrolysis of (R)-104 gives the complementary enantiomer (S)-103 in 63% yield with 94% ee.[‌154‌]

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