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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-038-00158

Scarso, A.; Strukul, G.Science of Synthesis, (200938151.

In the presence of catalytic amounts of cobalt(II) precursors, various alkenes react with molecular oxygen in the presence of trialkylsilanes at room temperature to give the corresponding (alkylperoxy)silanes 23 in high yields under neutral conditions (Scheme 11)[‌22‌] (see also Section Apolar solvents are the most suitable for the reaction, whereas low yields are observed in protic solvents such as alcohols. The reaction is highly regioselective with preferential functionalization of the more substituted carbon atom of the alkene by the (trialkylsilyl)peroxy moiety. The reaction mechanism has been outlined, revealing that preliminary formation of an (alkylperoxo)cobalt(III) species is required.[‌23‌] Various cobalt(II) catalysts are active; those characterized by oxygenated anionic ligands such as β-diketones, including acetylacetone, are preferred. The reaction is quite general and oxetanes[‌24‌] as well as peroxidic residues[‌25‌] and alcohols[‌26‌] are well tolerated.

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