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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-040-00666

Geffken, D.; Köllner, M. A.Science of Synthesis, (200940964.

Reduction of C-nitroso compounds to produce N-alkylhydroxylamines suffers mainly from the lack of a variety of starting materials, as well as the side reaction of the nitroso group with the hydroxylamine functionality to give azoxy compounds. For example, N-(2,2,4,4-tetramethylpentan-3-yl)hydroxylamine (144) is prepared from the corresponding nitrosoalkane by reduction with phenylhydrazine in methanol (Scheme 46).[‌188‌] Tri­fluoro(nitroso)methane is reduced by potassium hydrogen sulfite in diethyl ether/water to afford the N-(trifluoromethyl)hydroxylaminediethyl ether complex (145) in 48% yield.[‌189‌]

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