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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-043-00304

Griesbeck, A. G.; Soldevilla, A.Science of Synthesis, (200843385.

Alkene metathesis {see, e.g., Science of Synthesis, Vol.2 [Compounds of Groups 73 (Mn, Cr, V, Ti, Sc, La, Ac) (Section]} is an efficient route for innumerable synthetic applications, and alkyne metathesis is gaining synthetic momentum.[‌165‌] Arylalkynes may be generated by the four major processes described in this section (Scheme 51): alkyne homodimerization, alkyne cross metathesis (ACM), ring-closure alkyne metathesis (RCAM) {Science of Synthesis, Vol.2 [Compounds of Groups 73 (Mn, Cr, V, Ti, Sc, La, Ac) (Section]}, and acyclic diyne metathesis (ADIMET). Several high-valent alkylidyne complexes are catalytically competent and remarkably active.[‌166‌] The critical arylalkyne bond is already preformed in one of the substrates and is exchanged during the metathesis process.[‌167‌]

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