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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-045-00907

Stará, I. G.; Starý, I.Science of Synthesis, (201045946.

The structural motifs of angular acenes can also be identified in other complex polycyclic aromatic systems. This structural diversity is broad covering conjugated helical acetylene-bridged cyclophanes (Table 7, entry 1),[‌227‌] 2,2-bis[6]helicyl (entry 2),[‌228‌] helicenes with an annulated cyclophane unit (entry 3),[‌229‌,‌230‌] S-shaped[‌231‌,‌232‌] or 3-shaped[‌233‌,‌234‌] double helicenes (entries 4 and 5), dibenz[a,j]anthracene (entry 6),[‌146‌] and three-arm double helicenes (entry 7).[‌201‌] These compounds are synthesized by the general methods described in Sections 45.21.1 and 45.21.2, including photodehydrocyclization (Table 7, entries 15),[‌227‌‌234‌] ring-closing alkene metathesis (entry 6),[‌146‌] and cycloisomerization (entries 7 and 8).[‌201‌,‌235‌]

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