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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-046-00090

Gandon, V.; Thorimbert, S.; Malacria, M.Science of Synthesis, (200946225.

The cycloisomerization of 4,4-bis(methoxymethyl)-6,8-dimethylnona-6,7-dien-1-yne in the presence of a catalytic amount of plati­num(II) chloride or gold(I) or gold(III) catalysts gives either 2,4,5,5-tetrahydroindenes 180 or cross-conjugated trienes 181 and 182 (Scheme 64). The presence or the absence of a halide bonded to the metallic cationic center dramatically influences the course of the reaction; thus, in the absence of any halide ion, trienes 181 and 182 are the only products[‌178‌]

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