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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-046-00149

Negishi, E.; Wang, G.Science of Synthesis, (200946246.

Treatment of E-alkenylboranes with alkynyllithium reagents, followed by successive addition of iodine and then sodium hydroxide, produces 1,4-disubstituted conjugated E-enynes that can be readily converted into 1,4-disubstituted E,Z-1,3-dienes[‌2‌,‌10‌] (Scheme 10; see also Section Even today, it is one of the most efficient, selective, and widely applicable methods for the synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted E,Z-1,3-dienes, although its application is still rather limited. The enyne-formation process via iodine-induced migratory insertion has been applied to the synthesis of (Z)-1-halo-1-en-3-ynes.[‌11‌] The scope of this method has been further expanded through the use of other electrophiles, such as the boron trifluoridediethyl ether complex.[‌12‌] A series of methods for the preparation of Z-alkenylboranes has become available since 1975,[‌13‌‌15‌] and they can, in principle, be used in place of the E-1,3-enynes to prepare Z,Z-1,3-dienes. As the diene-forming step is formally a reduction, it is not discussed further here. Synthesis of the insect pheromones bombykol[‌2‌] and that of a European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana,[‌10‌] demonstrate the high efficiency and selectivity of this method. All isolated products are 9899% stereomerically pure.

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