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47.3 Product Class 3: Nonconjugated Di-, Tri-, and Oligoenes

DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-047-00558

Roy, K.-M.Science of Synthesis, (2010471135.

General Introduction

Nonconjugated and especially homoconjugated (skipped) dienes and oligoenes are a key feature of various biologically active natural products such as fatty acids,[‌1‌,‌2‌] leucotrienes,[‌3‌,‌4‌] and insect pheromones.[‌5‌] Due to their biological importance and synthetic utility, the preparation of these compounds is of considerable interest. Unsaturated alkenes with two or more isolated double bonds can be obtained by various synthetic routes. The most widely used methods are based on CC coupling reactions, elimination reactions, or reductions of enynes or diynes. Previously published information regarding the synthesis of this product class can be found in HoubenWeyl, Vol. 5/1b, pp 482, 613, 775, and elsewhere.[‌6‌]

