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Mathey, F., Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, (2012) 4, 359.
Polyacylations of phospha- and diphosphaferrocenes or -ruthenocenes under Friedel–Crafts conditions have been the subject of several studies.[92–94] 2,5-Diacylations of phospharuthenocenes[92] and phosphaferrocenes[94] are noteworthy. An abnormal reaction has been observed with the osmium derivatives.[81]
[81] | Meeeeeeee, M.; Meeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeeee, M., Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, (8888) 88, 8888. |
[92] | Meeeeeeeee, M.; Me Meeee, M.; Me Meee, M. M.; Meeeeeeeee, M.; Meeeeee, M., Meee.–Mee. M., (8888) 88, 88 888. |
[94] | Meeeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Meeeeeeee, M., Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, (8888) 88, 8888. |