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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-210-00185

Riva, R.; Banfi, L.; Basso, A.Science of Synthesis: Multicomponent Reactions, (20141407.

An innovative application of multicomponent reactions is in the field of generic drug synthesis as a support for the pharmaceutical industry.[‌178‌] An example is represented by the two-step synthesis of racemic bicalutamide (178), marketed as Casodex, which is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen used for treatment of prostate cancer. The synthesis starts from commercially available 1-[(4-fluorophenyl)sulfanyl]propan-2-one, which is submitted to oxidation affording sulfone 177 (Scheme 72). The following titanium(IV) chloride mediated multicomponent reaction directly gives, upon hydrolysis, 178 with a satisfactory overall yield of 66%. This is not yet an industrial application, because further experiments have to be done to determine if this approach is suitable for scaleup.

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