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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-222-00346

Lee, D.; Reddy Sabbasani, V.Science of Synthesis: Metal-Catalyzed Cyclization Reactions, (20162551.

Ring-closing metathesis of 1,n-dienes often favors the formation of macrocycles with a thermodynamically more stable E-configured double bond. This is due to the reversible nature of metathesis via the repetitive ring-opening and ring-closing events; alternatively, the double-bond isomerization may occur using the metal hydride species derived from catalyst decomposition. For example, the macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis of ester-tethered diene 30 in the presence of Grubbsʼ second-generation catalyst 12 provides the 14-membered lactone 31 quantitatively with high E selectivity under thermodynamic conditions (Scheme 10).[‌30‌]

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