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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-227-00112

Besson, M.; Pinel, C.Science of Synthesis: Catalytic Reduction in Organic Synthesis, (20182269.

Arabinonic acid (27) is obtained by oxidative decarboxylation of glucose and can be hydrogenated to arabitol (28), a stereoisomer of xylitol, which has potential applications as a sweetener for diabetic patients and reducer of dental caries.[‌62‌] The selectivity of the hydrogenation reaction can be impaired by decarboxylation and epimerization reactions, as well as CC and CO bond hydrogenolysis. Aqueous solutions of arabinonic acid (27) in equilibrium with the corresponding lactones 25 and 26 are hydrogenated on active carbon and titanium(IV) oxide supported ruthenium catalysts at 100 °C in a batch reactor (Scheme 16). The highest selectivity of 96.9% at 98% conversion is obtained on small ruthenium particles and in the presence of traces of anthra-9,10-quinone-2-sulfonate, which prevents dehydroxylation reactions to give deoxy products.[‌62‌]

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