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Negishi, E.-i.; Takahashi, T., Science of Synthesis, (2003) 2, 759.
In view of the highly electropositive nature of zirconium (Pauling electronegativity = 1.3–1.4), the Zr—C bonds may be converted into X—C bonds, where X is more electronegative than zirconium. This process must be further facilitated by the availability of an empty valence-shell orbital in the 16-electron zirconocene derivatives. Of particular interest is the synthesis of five-membered heterocycles 234 containing a wide variety of heteroatoms as shown in Scheme 97.[260]
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[260] | Meeee, M. M.; Meeeee, M. M., M. Me. Meee. Mee., (8888) 888, 8888. |