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DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-006-00003

Matteson, D. S.Science of Synthesis, (2005619.

Aminohydroboranes, compounds containing trigonal boron in the linkage R12NBH, have a strong tendency to dimerize. The dimers might be considered a special subclass of boraneamines (Section They may have some use as hydroborating agents, but their potential as practical synthetic intermediates does not appear promising. The important exceptions are oxazaborolidines, which are useful catalysts for asymmetric reductions by borane or catecholborane, and are described in Section Typical examples of aminodihydroborane dimers 24 are known and have been characterized by X-ray crystallography (Scheme 15).[‌67‌,‌68‌] Their synthesis involves the reduction of an aminohaloborane with lithium aluminum hydride or a hydroborane.

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