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Spitzner, D., Science of Synthesis, (2005) 15, 154.
The classical Tschitschibabin amination is the 2-amination of pyridines, e.g. the amination of 2,3-dimethylpyridine (650) (Scheme 215).[793,794] Generally, the amination of pyridines substituted with electron-withdrawing groups may give products which stem from a ring-opening reaction.[795]
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[793] | Meeeeüeeee, M., Mee. Meeeeeeeee. Meee., (8888) 88, 888. |
[794] | Meeee, M. M.; Meee, M. M.; Meeeeeeee, M. M., M. Meeeeeeeee. Meee., (8888) 88, 8888. |
[795] | ee Mee, M. M.; Meeeeeee, M.; eee eee Meee, M. M., M. Mee. Meee., (8888) 88, 888. |
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