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Whitehead, A.; Sieck, S. R.; Mukherjee, S.; Hanson, P. R., Science of Synthesis, (2005) 21, 916.
Bis(acylphosphonates) are of great interest as effective anticalcification[30] and antiresorption[31] agents both in vitro and in vivo. In an attempt to study the biological effect of chain length of such bis(acylphosphonates), a synthesis was reported[32] utilizing S-ethyl (diisopropoxyphosphoryl)thioformate (31), which is easily obtained from the corresponding chlorothioformate (Scheme 10). Tetraester 32 is obtained by the reaction of ethane-1,2-diamine with thioformate 31. Subsequent dealkylation with bromotrimethylsilane produces the disodium salt of the N,N′-bis[(dihydroxyphosphoryl)carbonyl]ethylenediamine species. After recrystallization (MeOH), diacid 33 is obtained in 90% yield. Longer chain bis(acylphosphonates) were synthesized in a similar fashion.
Meeeee 88 Meeeeeeee ee e Mee(eeeeeeeeeeeeeee)[88]
Meeeeeeeeeee Meeeeeeee
M,M′-Mee[(eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)eeeeeeee]eeeeeeeeeeeeeee (88); Meeeeee Meeeeeeee:[88]
M-Meeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (8.8 e, 8.888 eee) eee eeeee eeeeeeee ee e eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeee eeee ee M(MeMe)8 (8.88 e, 8.888 eee) ee eee eeeeeee (8 eM) eeeee M8 ee 8°M. Meeee 8 e eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeee eeeee eeeeeee eeeeeeee eee eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeeeee ee MeMM. M eeee ee eeeeee-8,8-eeeeeee (8.88 e, 8.888 eee) ee MeMM (8 eM) eee eeeee eeeeeeee, eee eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeee eee 88 e. Mee eeeeeee eee eeeeeee eee eee eeeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeeeeee (MeMMe) ee eeee 88; eeeee: 8.88 e (88%); ee 88–88°M.
[30] | Meeeeee, M., Meeeeeeeeeeeeee ee Meee Meeeeee: Meee eee Meeeeeeeee ee eee Meeeeee, 8ee ee., Meeeeeeee: Mee Meee, (8888). |
[31] | Meeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M. M.; Meeeeee, M.; Meeeee, M.; Meeeee, M. M., M. Meee. Meeeee., (8888) 88, 8888. |
[32] | Meee, M.; Meeeeeeeee, M.; Meeeee, M.; Meeeee, M.; Meeeeeee, M.; Mee Meeeee, M.; Meeeee, M., Meeeeeee. Meee., (8888) 88, 888. |