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1.2.5 Product Subclass 5: Palladium(III)-Containing Complexes

DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-101-00107

Powers, D. C.; Ritter, T.Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, (201241.

General Introduction

Compared with the chemistry of palladium in the 0, I, II, and IV oxidation states, organopalladium(III) chemistry is in its infancy, and complexes containing palladium in the III oxidation state are rare.[‌1‌‌4‌] Recent studies have expanded the family of characterized palladium(III) complexes and have also begun to elucidate the potential roles of palladi­um(III) intermediates in catalysis. This section will review preparative methods for the synthesis of palladium(III) complexes and discuss reactions in which palladium(III) intermediates are proposed.

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