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Kubik, S., Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates, (2013) 3, 272.
The Read synthesis of hydantoins is a two-step process wherein an α-amino acid is treated with potassium cyanate with subsequent heating of the product in concentrated aqueous hydrochloric acid to produce the hydantoin (Scheme 86). Thus, hydantoins with a single substituent at the 5-position are accessible or, if N-substituted α-amino acids are used, hydantoins that have substituents at the 1- and 5-positions are obtainable.[236]
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[236] | Meee, M.-M.; Meee, M.-M.; Meee, M.-M.; Mee, M. M.; Meee, M.-M., Meee. Meeeee Meee. Mee., (8888) 88, 888. |